The number one thing that I learned in regards to my health and weight loss isn't anything magical. So many people nowadays are looking for some magic pill or juice that will get them to where they need to go. For me it is mainly due to a mindset change. Where did I learn to have the right mindset to succeed? Actually it was a company that some may say was a Pyramid. Throw that notion out for a second because you don't need a Pyramid to learn this one simple fact.

The first thing I learned to get over my hurdle of being heavy and unhealthy was to have a WHY.

A WHY is one of those things that will almost, or does bring you to tears when you say it out loud. For me, I was 246lbs. one day when I hopped on the scale at my fitness equipment store... YES, I worked at a fitness equipment store and didn't have my health in check. I was also 28 years old and as you can imagine, as a single guy I didn't have the best self esteem growing up and especially when I'm trying to seriously date. 


After hopping on the scale and seeing 2--4--6 LBS. I was in shock. I knew I had gotten heavy but this is somewhere I never thought I'd be. I've lost weight before but as I realize now it was not a sustainable way. 

From my experience in a network marketing company I knew that for ANY Goal in life I needed to have 2 things.... A WHY and something else I will focus on in another post.

I always believe that a why should have a positive and negative reinforcement. Something you are moving towards and something you are trying to run away from. Funny thing, you may think the postivie motivating factor is key but psychology attributes people to be much more motivated trying to remove something negative in their life rather than doing something good for them. 

People are much more like to be motivated to move away from pain than toward pleasure.

For me, I had Acid Reflux and a lack of confidence. I wanted to be healthy, live a long time to be able to play with my kids and grand kids one day. I wanted to get rid of my acid reflux without medication and not feel like I was having a heart attack when I had reflux attacks. I wanted to be able to eat any food I wanted to and not feel like I was going to throw up. I loved spicy foods and wasn't able to eat them. 

I want to live a long time, be healthy, happy, and not feel like my unhealthy body was holding me back from anything in life!

What's your WHY?!


Til next post.. The second key towards my weight loss journey.