I'm currently craving a packet of golden Oreos and Doughnuts. Usually, I would have hopped in my car and gone to get some without a second thought. However, I've been practicing self-awareness and I realized that I have an addiction to sugar. More troubling than that, I have an issue with overeating. I spent most of my day sticking to my pre-prepared meals and I'm not currently hungry but my mind is telling me to eat more anyway.

I'm not sure where these addictions came from. It's really worrying me since I'm about to start a dietbet game in the next few days so I'm going to need all the willpower that I can muster. My plan is to keep in mind that the cravings are in my mind. I have to keep reminding myself of these few things:

  • The cravings are in my mind.
  • I don't need refined sugar and the effects refined sugar have on my body are unhealthy.
  • Overeating when bored or stress is a horrible coping skill.
  • The longer I resist, the easier it gets.