I had decided its time to kick it up a notch and I am hoping that this approach will help put me in the right direction.

I have always always struggled with my weight since I was very young. I always looked at myself as a bigger girl and so has everyone else. Its hard to hear it from the people you love the most about how fat you are. I HATE THAT WORD!! FAT!!!! It should never be used to as an adjective but rather as a noun.

I am a newly single mom of a little girl and all I can think about is how I want her to live a healthy active lifestyle and never be told how "fat" she is or how "big" she is. I want her to be able to make a concious decision to be healthy and to want to be active not only for her health but for fun! Having said that if I want all this for my little girl why dont I want it for myself. HMMMMM makes one think!

That is why I am very excited for this challenge and hoping that this will nip some very bad habits in the butt and replace them with new healthier habits. I am going to be fully commited to this transition even though there is always SOMETHING that comes up. I need these tools to get me through weekends,holidays,vacations,birthdays,work functions and most importantly through my day!

I am very new to this so any tips and tricks I need to know for weight ins and how this works would be AMAZING.