Well it's been almost a week since I really hammered into eating healthy and working out again. I'm on track with Melissa's challenge and have been sticking to my plans nutritionally. The thing I'm most surprised about is I haven't had one drop of soda since last Saturday, and I haven't even really craved it except once when I got home late from my little brother's basketball game (but thankfully there was none in the house). I've been drinking TONS of water so i'm not even getting sugar deprivation headaches or caffeine cravings... it's magical! I've been eating fairly clean for a long time (with occassional periods of slip ups--ex: the holidays) but even then I only eat meals made with whole foods... no processed junk because it makes my stomach so unhappy and I am crabby and miserable for days.

I haven't had a migraine at all this week, and i'm starting to feel less bloated and crappy all the time. I love the changes i'm FEELING, but I'd like to start SEEING them too! I have lost 2 lbs, but it isn't all that noticeable yet. My problem has always been sticking with a workout regimen ever since I stopped playing sports, but Melissa's workouts are perfect! They are intense but short enough and they have so much variety where I don't get bored and I'm actually enjoying the burn, and don't feel like giving up halfway through. It makes it so easy to hit play every day, i've even gotten myself up early twice this week to workout before work... that NEVER happens, I love to sleep!

I'm thinking I'll kick it into overdrive this weekend and do 45 min or 1 hr workouts, since i'll have more time. I have a lot to do, but I really want to get these pounds off before my bridesmaid dress fitting on March 1st... I can do this!!

I start school on Monday... full time classes and full time work, it will be a lot. I'm determined to make at least 30 minutes a day for exercise too, and as long as I keep using Sundays as meal prep days, I should be fine. After all, my performance will be so much better if I keep myself healthy... i'll have more energy and a clearer mind.

The hardest part of this has been my boyfriend and his unhealthy habits... He'll eat a whole box of pasta with no remorse or go to McDonald's for lunch three times a week even though the house is full of food. I make a healthy dinner and he eats it and then downs 1/2 a pint of ice cream, cookies, etc. and leftovers from the fridge!! Makes me sick!! Thankfully I don't crave sweets but I LOVE Carbs & savory goods (think cheesy breadsticks) so when he's chowing down it's hard... but I know it will all be worth it.

Can't wait to see where another week takes me. Happy Friday!!