Someone else was looking for some advice on treating Fibromyalgia, so I'm putting this post together, maybe it will help more people.

Fibro is a autoimmune condition, possibly triggered by some kind of virus, that is somewhat of a medical mystery still, and controversial because it's diagnosed through a process of elimination rather than a concrete test.  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) works that way too.  I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Endometriosis, Type 2 Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, and lots of other health conditions which make it really obvious I have wildly imbalanced hormones and rampant inflammation.  Inflammation, when left unchecked, is a huge problem and leads to ever-worsening health and generally manifests itself however you are genetically predisposed to (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc - you probably know what runs in your own family).  In short, inflammation is the root of illness.  You can't fight a mystery virus (or whatever Fibro might turn out to be), but you can reduce your inflammation.

So the best thing you can do to treat your fibro is to treat any other health problems you have, and think about what sources of inflammation you have in your life - commonly bad diet, stress, exposure to radiation, heavy metals, or other poisons, lingering infections inside your body (could be from a surgery, needed dental work, unhealed cut or ingrown toenail, etc), and excessive exercise.  You won't heal fibro if you have unchecked diabetes, massive amounts of life stress that you're ignoring, work or exercise yourself to exhaustion every day, anything like that.

The other most important thing you can do is have a great diet - good food gives your body a good foundation for health.  You can look into a anti-inflammation diet, there are a lot of them if you search online, but it's usually a variation on the Mediterranean diet -- or you can look into the Paleo diet approach, which is what I'm doing.  I think which one is better depends on the person, what you like to eat, what all your health problems are beyond fibro.  But in any case, you want a ton of vegetables, healthy fats, protein, and generally "clean", simple, unprocessed food.

You may also want to consider doing an elimination diet, or a whole30 or other 3-4 week diet where you don't eat common allergens like wheat, soy, corn, dairy, etc, and then slowly reintroduce them, to see whether you have food allergies or sensitivities that are contributing to your ill health.  I am starting a whole30 in March myself (wanted to start it earlier but just got dental work done).

If you look at - treatment suggestions through crowdsourcing of what actually worked for people, the top effective treatments for fibromyalgia are - low-dose naltrexone, rest, sleep, hot baths & spa, massage, stretching/yoga, painkillers, gluten-free diet, meditation, marijuana, and thyroid medications.  Topping the not-effective list are all the prescription drugs for fibro (Lyrica, etc), and anti-depressants.  This mostly reflects my own experience - I think daily light exercise like walking and yoga, lots of hot baths and spa trips (wish I could afford more, LOL, but I try to go once a month and don't pay for massage), and improving diet really help a lot, but it does take time to see results, probably 6 months to really make a judgement call.  On the bonus side, exercise, spa, and healthy diet are also going to help you lose weight, and prevent other health problems.  I also think that shedding my excess weight is helping to put less stress on my joints.  And I cannot over-stress how important it is to get enough sleep.

Also - Chiropractic helped, but I basically had to go every single week, and got tired of the expense and inconvenience.  Massage definitely helps, but I just can't afford it, but if I could I would go 1-2x/month for deep tissue massage, it hurts during the massage but releases a lot of tight muscles.  I wish U.S. medical insurance would totally cover chiropractic and massage just once a month, it's better than popping pills.

For those of you who have Fibro or Chronic Fatigue or similar conditions, don't let yourself use it as an excuse to not exercise, it might be hard at first, but getting in daily exercise, even if it's super gentle exercise, will be good for you in the end.  On the flip side, rest when you need to and don't work out like crazy for hours every day - it will wear out your immune system more.