I was always fit and in shape in high school, however, high school ended and life changed. I continued my adult life in a horrible relationship, my eating and fitness habits went down the drain and my self-esteem and confidence faded away. Because of my unhealthy lifestyle I ended up gaining a lot of weight which created a huge anxiety issue and I begin to dislike the person I had become. 


I came to a point in my life where I realized something needed to change. I ditched the bad relationship and everything that came with it. I was doing great and had finally gotten back to a healthier happier state in my life but then I hit a couple obstacles. I found out I had a thyroid disorder, I met and married the man of my dreams, and we moved to the middle of nowhere Montana. Because I actually had an overactive thyroid they put me on beta blockers which helped me gain my first few pounds back. Then I made the typical mistake of getting too comfortable in my marriage let myself get lazy and regain unhealthy eating habits. Finally, the town we moved to was 1-1/2 hours away from a grocery store and a gym. So all my motivation for health and fitness soon faded away. I quickly gained all the weight back plus some, that I had worked so hard to lose. I was again back to where I swore I would never be emotionally and physically. 


Sometime early last year I had started noticing some posts from an old friend about her journey with Beachbody. When I inquired about her transformation she shared her amazing story about her journey and I was blown away. She introduced me to 21 day fix through a challenge group and I was hooked. The challenge group motivated me and inspired me to want so much more for myself and my health and fitness. 


While I have had ups and downs my coach was always there to pick me up and keep me going. Health and fitness soon became a passion and a drive for me. Because of her I have been inspired not only to continue to work hard and push through my journey but I have also decided that I too want to create inspiration for others the way she has inspired me. I want to create a community to help motivate and inspire people. I want to share my new found passion of health and fitness with my family, friends and even strangers. I want to make a difference in someone else's life the way my coach made a difference in mine!


Because of this passion I made the decision to partner with Beachbody and become a coach. I am passionate about the products they have to offer because they have enhanced my life and well-being. I may not be an expert, and I may not be where I want to be in my fitness journey, but I am dedicated to get there and I will not be stopped! I would love to help others find their passion and grow the confidence to get to where they want to be!


I want to INSPIRE people. I want someone to look at me and say, "Because of you I didn't give up!