I cannot believe that I have logged my food 100 days straight now on MyFitnessPal. 100 days ago I was pre-diabetic, 21lbs heavier, stressed and was a little depressed. My doctor asked me to log my food so she could see what I was eating and how much activity I was doing. The one change she asked me to do first, was to only eat vegetables and very small amounts of lean meat after 4pm. I can't believe how that small change, made such a big difference in my life. 

100 days later and I feel amazing. I am no longer pre-diabetic, I'm down 21lbs, 3-4 dress sizes smaller and my skin looks great. I also love that my back no longer hurts and I'm moving a lot better on the tennis court.

I think logging my food and exercise has been really helpful for me. It makes me reflect about the choices that I made in the day. It has also made me more accountable because I know that my food diary is open for others to see. 

I haven't made the best choices at times. However, I have quickly course corrected when I haven't. I am very proud of myself for sticking with something this long.

My goal is to do 104 more days straight until I leave for Maui on vacation. I am hoping by them to lose at least another 20lbs! Then we'll be ready to try for baby number 2!