Today, I saw some bathing suits on some Memorial Day sales. One of them is really pretty and I would LOVE to be able to fit into it. However, I still don't feel comfortable putting on a swimsuit. I've lost most of the weight from my pregnancy. However, I was 25lbs overweight before I got pregnant. 

I am so happy that I am no longer pre-diabetic. However, I'm finding it a bit difficult to stay on track to keep losing. I feel like I need to get refocused back to eating healthy. It didn't help to have family visit and to eat out so much. I'm still bloated right now from brunch this morning!

I thought about buying target swimsuit today. It's about $120 for this pretty suit. However, I ask myself..."What if I buy and its too big? Or too small? Or maybe I should forget about the sale and just buy when I lose 20lbs?" Wait...I still remember that last time I went swimsuit shopping. I almost cried in the changing room. It was so depressing. I felt like every possible fat roll was being squeezed into that little suit. Mental note: never try on a mango colored swimsuit. NOT FLATTERING AT ALL.

We are going on our first family vacation with the baby, my parents and my sister and her husband in 4 months. I can lose 20lbs in 4 months. I WILL lose 20lbs in 4 months. I'm going to buy that bathing suit in August right before my trip. I don't care if it's expensive then. I will feel good when I put it on and have achieved my goals. Ok...time to rock and roll. Cute little swimsuit, here I come!