Some people wonder why others struggle with their weight - both mentally and physically. I've consistently struggled throughout my life. My weight has always been on my mind, whether it be "too small" or "too big." In high school I was significantly smaller than I currently am, and even then, I didn't think I was good enough. Once I hit 25 and got a desk job, weight seemed to get a little trickier. Always fluctuating. Never consistent.

Which brings me to why I'm specifically posting this.

Recently, I was asked when my due date was. I AM NOT pregnant, and I wouldn't consider myself "fat," but I could stand to lose a few pounds. I'm consistently logging calories on MyFitnessPal, eating healthy, exercising (I currently have two gym memberships and a dance membership) but sometimes I'll admit I slack where I could be pushing myself harder.

Even with the small comment that really wasn't meant to be hurtful, I'm still mentally affected. Thinking of all the things I could be doing differently and angry at myself for getting to a point where people could actually confuse me for being pregnant.

Fortunately, I was able to pick myself up again and used this comment as a reminder of why I work so hard for what I desire. Fuel to the fire some may say.

I am so proud to say that ALMOST every day since then I have been going to the gym twice a day! I had a few work outs with a personal trainer and I also completed my first DietBet. Since that day, I am able to say I have lost 8 pounds. FOR GOOD. DietBet is definitely a HUGE motivator in getting me to where I want to be and I absolutely love the community.

Lastly, this post is not meant to garner compliments by any means, but rather as a PSA to THINK BEFORE YOU SAY THINGS. Things that you may not have meant to be hurtful at all are sometimes the things that cut deepest.

Be happy. Be you. Most importantly, be happy to be you! Everyone is always a work in progress. Never give up. :)