Hey hey Diet BET fam!

Lil Leafy here with a tip of the day: start small, add time, and get big results. I started my journey early in 2015, in a super dark place. I had fallen on hard times and I found myself very unhappy, almost always eating all my emotions to self soothe. I took a look in the mirror and realized I needed to make one small change. From March to April, all I did was change my diet. I followed a green plate rule meaning 80% of my plate was green. I was lifting weights too so I only lost 4 pounds but I want you to look at the picture below. 

This was only 1 month of work but you can see a huge difference! Detoxyfying all the crap that was in my system.. all the stress, the junk food, the chemicals.. 

I told myself that all I wanted to do was follow one rule consistently. I still went the gym, but working out was never my issue. My achilles heel has always been nutrition. So I found my biggest weakness and made one change.

Now I am working on portion control. My next hurdle is to reduce the amount of unscheduled mindless grazing which is a huge endeavor on its own. Even tho nuts are healthy and I'm working out... I want to loose more weight so I can't afford (calorically speaking) to eat handfuls of nuts and healthy banana chips without it interferring with my goals. But this is for another blog post!! 

The work continues.... Until next time... Don't forget to be a badass, EAT CLEAN & TRAIN DIRTY!


Lil Leafy