This will be my first ever blog..

I just wanted to share my story with all of you. I am a single mother of two amazing young men Anthony & Richie can't forget my baby husky Milo. I live in Monterey Bay Area & blessed with an amazing career at CSUMB. 

I started getting into fitness/running when I lost someone dear to me two years ago due to smoking. My Grandma was a lifetime smoker & battled with the disease everyday trying to quit. It was so heart breaking to see her struggle with anxiety, depression, and stress.

I was very stressed out & in so much heart ache when I lost her. For the first time I felt empty inside and running became an outlet for me. A way to grieve & connect with her. I tried to quit smoking myself but I was going through a lot of personal stuff in my life so that was my excuse at the time to continue. 

200 days ago I decided to quit smoking for good on my Grandmas birthday =) I haven't picked up a cigarette since!

 In closing, the weightloss is all just a added bonus to this battle. 
