
I want to feel SEXY in a bathing Suit. I've always been "healthy" but I want to be FIT! For just once, I'd like to reach my dream body goal and get down to around 125.

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: Green Beans & Fruit

Favorite Sinful Food: Ice cream, candy, fast food

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Zumba & Weight Trainning

My Approach to Weight Loss: Focus on my diet more then my workout.

My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program

My Diet Plan: Paleo Diet

Fitness/Exercise Apps: RunKeeper, FitBit

Fitness Devices: FitBit

DietBet Winnings: $4,035.46

Recent Photos

Friends (11)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+0.4% Since last weigh-in+0.6 lbs
+0.4% 1-Month Change+0.6 lbs
-0.8% Lifetime Change-1.2 lbs

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Apr 13, 2018 · 142.8 lbs
Feb 27, 2018 · 146.8 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

I've recognizes that my eating was bad and even made myself say no to some items.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

Well, I purchased a box of donuts for an event and had way too many left over. I ended up tossing the last 2 in the trash because I could not take having them in the house. It was also my husbands birthday and we celebrated it all weekend long. My eating was not good, but I wrote everything bad that I ate on paper so I was aware of what I was eating and how much. That helped me to get back on track.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

To get back in track and do some more juicing. I'm going to start a 7 day juice cleanse and then do another 7 days of juiceing for breakfast/lunch and a healthy paleo dinner.

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Feb 15, 2018 · 144 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

I worked hard and earned a free cruise!! I had the flu and still got my steps in ;)

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

I think I did pretty good considering I had the flu. My eating has been good.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


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Jan 30, 2018 · 150 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

I'm won a free cruise!!

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

i did good

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

more cardio

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Jan 23, 2018 · 148 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

I've been on a juice cleanse since Thursday and it's going good!! I've only had juice and limited raw veggies.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

I need to increase my cardio

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

More cardio

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Jan 17, 2018 · 153.4 lbs

Long-term goal weight

125 lbs

What do you find most challenging in reaching your long-term weight loss goals?

My diet. I do not crave healthy foods but I crave all kinds of bad foods. It's going to be hard giving up fast food, ice cream, candy, and Pepsi.

How many days per week do you exercise currently?


How many days per week would you like to exercise?


How would you rate your current diet?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

I'm back on Paleo and I'm doing an 8 day juice cleanse.

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