LosingitwithlisaVisit My Website
Master Coach level
$83,090 bets placed
55.77% win rate
2,313 players recruited
16 games organized
15,004.3 lbs lost

Previous Games

Losing it with Lisa
$35 Bet
31 Players
$1,085 Pot
BIGGEST LOSER Lisa Rambo DietBet
$35 Bet
62 Players
$2,170 Pot
$35 Bet
12 Players
$420 Pot
$35 Bet
37 Players
$1,295 Pot
Losing it With Lisa!
$35 Bet
29 Players
$1,015 Pot
Biggest Loser Lisa Rambo's Keep It Going Bet
$35 Bet
80 Players
$2,800 Pot
Biggest Loser's Lisa Rambo "Finish 2016 Strong!"
$35 Bet
103 Players
$3,605 Pot
Biggest Loser Lisa Rambo August Challenge
$35 Bet
243 Players
$8,505 Pot
Losing it with Lisa in JUNE !!!Summer Strong!
$35 Bet
29 Players
$1,015 Pot

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Are you looking for ways to extend your health & wellness brand while earning extra income? Then you're a perfect fit for the DietBet Coaches Club.
Our fun and interactive weight loss competition can deepen your relationship with followers, clients, and fans, all while building your clout as a health & wellness expert. All you need to do is host regular games of a certain size to qualify. Learn more