About Jane P: "I'm a mom, a business owner, a fitness coach, runner, Fitbit Disney and coffee lover! I lost 100 lbs and have kept it off over 3 years now. I love helping people realize that they have the ability to change their life and reach their goals!"
Master Coach level
$122,390 bets placed
51.28% win rate
4,608 players recruited
24 games organized
28,593.2 lbs lost

Previous Games

Walk to Lose & Win
$30 Bet
63 Players
$1,890 Pot
Intermittent Fasting for Beginners
$30 Bet
141 Players
$4,230 Pot
Walking for Weight Loss
$25 Bet
165 Players
$4,125 Pot
Walking for Weight Loss
$25 Bet
127 Players
$3,175 Pot
Walk to Lose for Spring!
$25 Bet
195 Players
$4,875 Pot
Winter Walking off the Weight
$25 Bet
254 Players
$6,350 Pot
Walk off the Weight for the New Year
$25 Bet
310 Players
$7,750 Pot
Walk to Lose During the Holidays
$25 Bet
544 Players
$13,600 Pot
Walk to Lose for Fall
$25 Bet
211 Players
$5,275 Pot

Join the DietBet Coaches Club

Are you looking for ways to extend your health & wellness brand while earning extra income? Then you're a perfect fit for the DietBet Coaches Club.
Our fun and interactive weight loss competition can deepen your relationship with followers, clients, and fans, all while building your clout as a health & wellness expert. All you need to do is host regular games of a certain size to qualify. Learn more