4 members $410.49 won 0 lbs

42 and sexy mama

10/09/2014 6:37AM
38&sexy. I have been on my weight loss journey serious for over a year . I am wanting to get to under 200 and I have been stuck in the high numbers of the 200., that is my goal. I have been doing Shaun T hip hop abs/ rockin body. And had got weight off but no where were I want to be yet.

Sassy SammieK

10/08/2014 8:02AM
Hello! Fall is my favorite time of year and I am excited to start a new fitness journey! My main problems are being consistent and healthy eating, so I joined dietbet to help conquer these issues. I am currently signed up for the Shaun T


10/08/2014 5:41AM
Good morning everyone. Hope you all have had a great start to your Wednesday. I'm excited to be starting this group and can't wait to see the positive results that come from it for each and every person that decides to join. Stay tuned for more information and my daily fitness post of the day!!