Motivated Momming DietBet Friends

11 members $2,627.30 won 8.6 lbs

Motivated Momming

05/19/2018 11:43AM
  • Hi :) my name is Rachael and I'm really loving DietBet! I find it so helpful in being accountable and motivated when I want to cheat. I've been on a weightloss journey since 2013 when I hit my highest weight of 267lbs pregnant with my first child. I've been stuck at about 200lbs yo-yoing the past couple years due to cheating on my ketogenic diet (which I LOVE) during the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries etc. This year it's my goal to maintain my ketogenic lifestyle and make all of my cheat meals in a healthy manner and I'm going strong and at a new low of 181lbs! I changed my workouts from the gym to more enjoyable outdoor activities, and I'm always looking for new fun things to do to strengthen my body. I also have a small gym in the garage for when I need to sneak in a quick workout of resistance bands, free weights and body weight exercises. I got a Fitbit for the first time and I realized how stagnant I was working at a computer all day so it's motivating me to get moving! I hope to share some good recipes and exercise ideas and help each other along the way! I also have a IG/FB page called MotivatedMomming where I post fun stuff as well if you'd like to follow! Cheers to us!