Never Binge Again!

6 members $2,834.80 won 41.9 lbs

Barbara J.

05/27/2018 6:55AM
Hello, folks! I am a new DietBet member, and when I came across the community groups on the site, I was shocked to find that there isn't a single group for supporting people who deal with BINGE EATING!

I have recently accepted the fact that I have a genuine issue with binge eating. As in... my eating patterns are NOT normal. I'm not just dealing with 'emotional eating,' and I need REAL solutions to deal with stuff that goes waaaaaay back that has led me to where I am today... I started binge eating at 8 years old (nearly 30 years ago), while my mother was in the hospital dying of breast cancer, and I was left to figure things out on my own, to a certain degree. Anyway, long story, obviously (we all have one of those!), and I've been on a journey to figuring this out and healing over the past several months.

I am in the process of seeking medical help for this (as in, I am waiting for an appointment with a doctor... should be within a month or two!). In the meantime, I have been researching lots and reading all about different strategies that can be helpful in addressing these very deep-rooted issues. I have decided to create a group here for people who would be interested in discussing and supporting each other in these things.... so here we are!

Looking forward to getting to know people and exchange ideas and experiences. Please introduce yourself!

(NOTE: I'm not a doctor and have no training in this... just looking to create support and community surrounding this!)

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