
8 members $735.65 won 1.2 lbs


10/12/2017 8:36AM
Our game "Weapons of A$$ Reduction" ends today, so that means we are ready for the next challenge!! Check out "Scrambled Legs & Achin" at this link-->
4% of your body weight in 4 weeks to either kick start your weight loss journey or pick up where you left off and continue pushing to your next goal! $20 entry and lots of chances for participation prizes!!!!! All my participants are finishing a game so no one has signed up yet because they will be using their rewards to pay for the next one! My tribe is on a roll and losing an average 5lbs a game!!! COME JOIN US!!


09/13/2017 3:42PM
Weapons of A$$ Reduction is another day closer to starting! We are up to 11! You have 7 days to get signed up! 1st prize goes to the Invite MVP!! Get your friends, husband's, wives, sister's, brothers, co workers anyone looking to kick start their weight loss! $20 that's all you have to pledge to YOURSELF! Lose your 4% of your body weight and win your $20 back! Plus opportunities for prizes and extra cash along with new friends and support system! The only thing you have to those stubborn pounds! Come join us!


03/05/2017 11:04AM
Sent my photos Hope it went thru alright


02/21/2017 4:05AM
Hi Kimmies! Well it's official now, I have joined the Diet Bet
Let's do it! :)

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