Maryland Moms

5 members $521.76 won -10.4 lbs


10/18/2017 9:59AM
Our game has just started Its called "Scrambled Legs & Achin'" Come join us bet $20 and get that 4% off in 4 weeks!! You still have plenty of time to join a supportive, motivational game with some amazing people! We are 4 months strong and not stopping there! 4% is enough to push yourself in the right direction and get that weightloss journey on a downward slope as in the weight going down!!!! We have prizes!!!!!!!! I love motivating and want to make the game more fun and personal and motivating...Invite your friends!!


08/25/2017 8:10AM
I am a Maryland Mom and I am looking to lose a significant amount of weight, 80 pounds in total. I am down 43 pounds and with DietBet I lost 20 of these pounds this summer. Weight loss is difficult but it happens with daily effort. I am now in a transformer game and I think that this game will assist me in reaching my goal by April! The support of a group will be helpful for the days when I feel like NO! to everything......the gym, the fruit and veggies, the portion controls, calorie intake/output.....just NO. We shall see : D