Weight loss for the past 25 years has been painful wiht lots of frustration.  I have tried many diets, counted many calories and steps,and have excercised 6-7 days a week.  The end results were painstakenly little to no weight loss.  I would feel like I starved myself all day long, only to be dissapointed when stepping on to the scale. to find I had gained a pound not lost one.  I began to ask questions as to why this was happening. One day, I noticed that my body felt different and I had actually lost some weight.  I decided to document everything I ate every day. After doing this for a year, I discoverd that my body reacted differently to different foods I ate.  At this point, I came to the conclusion that my metabolism was not working properly. It was around this time that I reconnected with a good friend from high school.  As we conversed, the subject of the body's metabolism came up. I told him I was going to have a consoltation with a doctor that helped people reset their metabolism.  As it turned out, my friend happend to be a Metabolic Balance Coach and he explained their program to me. It was exactly what I was looking for.  A personal meal plan, specific and unique to my body, that would not only help me lose weight, but also reset my body's metabolism. The program takes all of the guess work out of what to eat, and scientifically tailors a program to revitalize the body into a fat burning machine.  Over the winter last year, I lost 55 lbs and my goal for this year is to lose 75lbs.  The best part of this program is that your hunger cravings go away because your body receives the right amount of nutriton to optimally perform.  The second best part is you get a a highly trained coach, to guide, motivate, and encourage you through this life changing journey. Now I confidently know,that when I follow the program, that I will have measurable results, because all of the guess work and one size fits all factor is gone. As of day 5 I have now lost 13lbs.