A few years ago I decided to give up diet soda for Lent.  Within a few days I was hiding in my garage drinking Diet Coke behind the snow tires.  That's when I realized I had a serious problem.  I'm a Christian and I decided to pray about this issue.  Slowly I was able to break my 20 year addiction that started in high school where I would treat myself to a Diet Coke during math class...because I hated math.!!!  I slowly switched to soda water with lime or unsweetened iced tea.  I have to say, I feel so much better, no more headaches from  artificial sweeteners, no more cravings for pop.  I'm free now, I totally prefer water to anything sweet.  I've discovered amazing teas like dried hibiscus tea, which has some great health benefits like lowering blood pressure and cholesterol and tastes like unsweetened cranberry or dark cherry.  I challenge you, if you struggle like I did, make the change!