Juice Fasting: Quick Thoughts after Finishing Up


10/20/2014 9:22AM
Wow, I have done a juice fast for 10 days before and I must say I was hungry. I started seeing food signs I had never noticed before. I wanted to try foods I had never found appealing previously. I did lose weight. I did feel great, but I agree that it is absolutely unsustainable. I wonder though, for someone that has more weight to lose, like myself, if it is a good way to get to a goal and then be in an encouraged position to maintain. Or, would it set me up for discouragement and failure? I'm not sure.
I must say a 2 month juice fast says a lot about you and your discipline. The discipline is half of what it takes to be fit. This post is encouraging. How was your activity level at this time? Energy?

Dave M.

Thanks Camber, appreciate your comment.

I did go into the juice fast thinking that I could reset some eating habits and drop a fair amount of weight, to set myself up to use more conventional nutrition and exercise to achieve my ultimate goals -- so I think it could work for you to get to a goal / maintain. Two suggestions before starting into any extended juice fast: 1) consult your doctor; 2) give yourself permission to re-evaluate your target number of days, as necessary -- not permission to quit at any time, but to know that there might be extenuating circumstances that make you reconsider the length of your fast. That way, you can celebrate your achievement, rather than be discouraged.

My activity levels were good; I continued to workout, although for periods of an hour or less. I definitely had less / limited energy available for workouts. Overall, I felt good (even normal).

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