I shared in my last post that I was going to focus on cutting sugar of all sorts from my diet for 2 weeks.  It's been 5 days of consuming no sugar other than what's in fruit.  I'm shocked.  I've dropped 4.5 pounds, and that was weighing myself midafternoon today.  I've eaten no processed foods period, I'm drinking all 8 glasses of water daily, I'm trying to get 10000 steps in daily (only hit that number twice) and do my strength training, and get adequate sleep.  I feel great. I don't seem to crave the sugars (not even the Frango mints I discovered in my closet that were leftover from Christmas season).  I'm not feeling hungry.  So, I'm continuing in my 2 week experiment.  

I'll let you know what happens after the 2 weeks.