Tomorrow is, for me personally, a big day--weigh-in and measurement day for my second month with my new home gym and routine and diet. Last year meant so much to me, losing 60 but then gaining 10 (lbs) over sweets. This year I feel everything more intensely and I'm approaching my life that way too. I'm going to save up for a treadmill, and during the time that my community's pool is open for the summer, I'll swim very often too as well as my usual biking and weight training. I want to do it all. I want to do everything I used to think I never could, like a half-marathon. Like a marathon. Like a triathlon, if I could ever figure out what to wear and when (haha) and oh yeah buy a decent outdoor bike. I've done 5k and 10k, and yes, I'll have to do those again now that I've started over in walking and jogging and am not yet running. But, I've done it, and I've loved it, and I never lost the bug for it, for any of it, from running to step aerobics to kickboxing to the elliptical to yoga. I love it all. Go for it. Go after it. Go get it. Go you.