Day Four 

Victory! I did not have any late night snacks yesterday - not even a rice cake! 

This morning I locked my keys in the car my nieghbour who tried to help asked where my spare set of keys were? I told him I gave them to my ex husband in case of (why am I explaining myself.....) He suggested I should have a spare set at home with me, do you think? 

This morning I found out I have free roadside assistance from the dealership I bought the car from three years ago - This tell me I obviously don't lock my keys in the car on a regular basis - take that neighbour who was trying to help!!!

However, I learned something about myself today - a little bit stress and I am hungry and I want to eat...

But today, unlike any other day I talked myself out of grabbing the first thing in the fridge

Saying to myself "keep it together... free roadside has been called, what better place to lock your keys in your car than in your own driveway and you have a healthy breakfast planned"

And guess what breakfast was great but why am I feeling a sense of doom still? Is it because of my ex husband? (you'll understand in a minute..) We are amicable with each other - I am a heck of a nice wife. However, I dread knowing that my daughter will tell her father what happened not because she wants to cause any upset but more so out of interest and I never have or will tell my daughter 'don't tell your dad what happened or don't tell your dad I said this...' As I never want my daughter to think should I tell dad this regardless of what it is... But with that said I know I am going to hear about it - why did you leave the your keys in the car instead of taking them into the house?

You want to know something funny and how this all ties into together - Last night (this was the day I left my keys in the car with my windows open because I was planning on going out again but didn't) my ex husband came over and said "you left your windows open? Do you want me to close them for you?" which he did and he locked the car for me not knowing the keys were inside and me being a single parent, on a lifestlye change and everything else that makes a person's life busy I forgot my keys were in the car until I had to drive my daughter to school this morning -   

 And yes I know I shouldn't leave my keys in the car and I don't but yesterday I came home and was going to go right back out but I didn't .... 

It's 10:13am in the moring and now it is time to start my day - Yes my keys are with me and everything is secure. 

Ok day what will you bring today?