Does this ever happen to you? 

Day one to three I am completely motivated at my weight loss goal but by Day 4 doubt sets in and it isn't til about Day 7 that you go one way or the other way - You give up or you carry on.

I carried on! 

Between Day 4 to Day 9 I learned a few things about myself:

Exhaustion sets in and I start to rationalize "if I eat this I will have a sudden burst of energy..... If I eat this I will compensate by doing this........" Thank goodness I planned ahead and didn't have much of 'if I eat this' type of food available in my home 

I think this is called self sabotage but I fought back hard and I am still here!!! 

Counting calories and watching what you eat gives you time - time for your mind to go to places that in the past you would quickly stuff something in your mouth so you didn't stay in that place to long 

Is anyone else an emotional eater? 

What places did I visit? I visited fear, doubt and regret they truly are willing to be there for a person in a moments notice 

Fear: You can't do this 

Doubt: what makes you think you can do this  

Regret: It was you who brought this on yourself 

Day 10 I am doing an official weight in 

Day 10 I am proud that I didn't let my fear, my doubt and my regret sabotage my progress and that these past 10 days I have been more dilligent at my lifestyle changes then I have since the weight started piling on more then 15 years ago 

Day 10: 

Breakfast: fresh fruit and yogurt 

Snack: plain rice cake and peanut butter 

Lunch: Green salad with sautee green beans and asparagus 

Supper: healthy stir fry and vegan soup 

One of my favourite quotes and I say this to myself frequently especially when I find my new life style and changes that I am making difficult (I found this quote on this site BTW..) 

'Being over wieght is hard. Losing weight is hard which hard will I choose...'