Halfway Done My First DB and 100% To My Goal!

Karina S.

06/10/2015 12:17PM
This is such an incredibly motivating story! I absolutely believe you can reach each and every goal you put your mind to. i think when we recondition our minds to think first about health and less about the scale our lifestyles change and the weight follows. When you put the scale first, it's much harder to accomplish the long term goals. So keep focused on being the healthiest you possible, not only physically but mentally, spiritually too. Sounds like you have a great support in your BF. Tell him to keep you accountable on your journey and enjoy! Would love to hear how you're doing even after this challenge is done. Send me notes on my Facebook page from time to time. I'm rooting for you! Xo Karina

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Weight lost

-10.8 lbs



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