I almost didn't write today.  I'm ready for bed but really felt I should stick to my plan and stay on track with my 28 days of blogs. 

It was a holiday weekend. I had some indulgences, that's true, but I still got in my workouts. I had a good time. I'm not overly stressed about it, and I was not hung over today. I'm a bit embarassed that last one even makes it onto the victory list, but it does. I would like to defend myself a smidge and say that I don't usually drink so much to give myself hangovers. I really don't. But I did go through those rough years and during that time any excuse to drink I took full advantage of... 

Anyway, I was kind of a couch potato today, but I still feel like I'm on track over all. I should squeek in on my weight in so I will still be able to compete for the last month of my transformer. I still have focus for my kickstarter. I am on a roll with my workouts. A somewhat unhealthy holiday weekend has not derailed me at all! I refuse to let it. Oh, and I got ALL my laundry done! Woohoo! Haha