I feel a lull in my enthusiasm already!  It hasn't even been a week!  Oh well, i just finished today's workout and I'm happy that the first week of this month has gone so well. Since they are all new workouts for me this week I've been kind of going easy on myself so I can get an idea for what to expect from them.  That's not to say that some of the videos didnt completely kick my butt! I'm just looking forward to using heavier weights next week, and really pushing to see what I am capable of.  I'm also looking forward to seeing changes this month. I'm sure they will happen since P90 is a pretty hard core program. I can see a little bit of improvement from the first month, but since it's just the first week of month 2 so I don't see anything awesome yet!  I need to find a balance between focusing on the now/appreciating the moment and keeping my eyes on the prize I guess.  That would be a good thing for me to learn in life in general.  Hmm...