There are a lot of ugly, unfounded opinions out there about overweight people. I'm not even talking about those of us who are morbidly obese. I'm talking about those of us who have a little more top to our muffin. Those of us who have a little too much wibble in our wobble. A little more cabbage in our baggage. Maybe some of us over packed our saddlebags, waiting for a world famine so when our tiny spin instructors collapse of starvation, our bodies will still be busy digging in to the pork 'n beans we've been carrying on our thighs since the Fourth of July bbq last year.

Studies have been conducted that indicate that people don't find overweight people unattractive just because of our appearance. Studies indicate that people *believe* that overweight people are low in self discipline, low in self respect, and hold low standards in general. 

And in general, they couldn't be more wrong.

Contrary to popular opinion, most fat people are perfectionists. We put a lot of PRESSURE on ourselves to be perfect, all of the time.

I'm about to blow your mind with some crazy science. What is pressure? P=F/A.

Pressure is the amount of force applied to a unit of area. Our driving FORCE to not only look perfect but also be perfect career wo/men, spouses, parents, daughters/sons, soldiers, is extremely high. The breadth of our shoulders ALONE is a relatively small, narrow surface area. Large amount of force divided by a small amount of area equals ALOT of pressure. How do you decrease that pressure? Increase the surface area of your shoulders--that means stand together, don't stand alone. We're all here to help share that pressure load. 

But I'm gonna take this nerdy pseudoscience even further. I already defined Pressure as Force divided by Area.

But what is Force? F=m*a. Force equals mass times acceleration. If you are not exercising, you are not physically accelerating. You don't move faster, you don't increase your activity level, but you still have an extremely high driving force pervading your life. But if you have a low level of acceleration,  the other component of equation has to make up for it. So you guessed it. When you have low levels of acceleration, that means you have HIGH levels of mass. Inevitably, you get fat. 

It's science ;)

The point is, lean on me, I'm here to help. Also, accelerate your life. Fit that exercise in.

I just had a lovely nonscale victory. I just got on the elliptical when I REALLY didn't feel like it. I told myself ok, you'll just do it for 18 mins (I read somewhere years ago that it takes 18 mins for your body to transition to using fat as fuel rather than glycogen. I don't know if thats accurate or not, but it's a time that I can use as a minimum milestone, so to speak).

WELL once I got to 18, I thought, well Sasha why not make it an even 20? Then you have 2 actual fat burning minutes. By the time I got to 20, by that time my show was so interesting that I just kept going until 10pm for a total of half an hour. Unfortunately my elliptical keeps my neighbor up and her bedtime is 10 so I had to stop there, but it was a total victory!

I know what some of you are thinking (and it's ok I'm not judging you!!). 30 mins, it's not a marathon. But it is acceleration ^_^

And I actually feel a little better now :)