Toward the end of 5th grade I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. My medication soon sent me into hypothyroidism and I gained about 30 lbs in about 3 months. That was a lot of fun, for an already shy 12 year old. It was at this point that I realized who my enemy was: my weight.

All through high school I tried diet after diet: Jenny Craig, South Beach, Atkins, Weight Watchers, some I can't even remember the name of. Nothing really worked. And the heavier I got, the more my self-confidence fell.

I found some success in my early and mid-twenties. Weight Watchers helped me lose about 40 lbs and I started feeling better. I kept that weight off for several years, always hovering around the 150s. I wanted to lose more weight but I was happy and liked the way I looked.

Then several years ago, disaster struck. My thyroid, which hadn't had any problems since 8th grade, when I went off medication, reared it's ugly head. All the weight I'd worked so hard to lose and keep off, zoomed back on, 40 lbs in 4 months, leaving me depressed and miserable. When I figured out what was wrong and finally got on medication again, the damage was done. I started feeling better, but was too dejected to work on weight loss again. Pound by pound, I just kept getting bigger and bigger.

One month ago I got on the scale and saw that I was the heaviest I had ever been in my whole lfie. My self-confidence was shot to pieces and I didn't like anything about myself. Then, one day I saw a tiny blurb in Fitness Magazine recommending Dietbet and decided to check it out.  I thought it could be the push I needed and I signed myself up for a Dietbet10 and a Dietbet4

This past month has not been easy. I've had to face some hard truths about myself and the way I live. I've also had to think hard about my priorities. Initially I didn't think I'd be able to pull it together, but somehow I managed to reach my 3% goal for the Dietbet10 and just this morning I hit the goal for my Dietbet4. (Gotta keep it off for 2 more days!)

I'm still not anywhere near the weight I want to be and have a long road to go. I still think that my weight is the enemy and I'm still working on loving myself just the way I am.


I feel better. I feel that I'm starting to heal inside and out. I see a light at the end of this arduous tunnel and I'm hopeful that one day I'll look in the mirror and not hate what I see. Bit by bit, I'm learning to believe in myself.

I'm grateful for this website for challenging me and for all the participants who share their journeys and encourage each other.