This morning I was searching the news, like every other morning this summer - and saw an article of a gal who successfully lost weight using DietBet. I had never heard of DietBet even though I have spent lots of time researching fitness/health related apps / websites. 

So, after some investigation of the site, here I am! It seems like a fun way to hold yourself accountable and connect with other people who are like-minded.

I am 28 years old -- will be 29 here shortly! For the last four years, I have been really struggling with my weight. It just so happens, that's when my very stressful career started as well as a public school employee. I do a lot of stress/emotional eating in my job. even when I am not there!! 

It's been hard to get in the habit of working out. I will put in a good two weeks or month, then all my progress slides away and I fall back into a rut. I've tried lots of different tactics; self exploration/counseling, asking friends/family to text me daily to tell me to get my ass in gear, I've tried giving myself rewards as motivation for the long term commitment. But despite these efforts, so far, I keep falling short of a daily commitment to fitness and healthy living. 

When I was in college, it seemed easier to make working out as part of the routine -- it was normal, and expected. Now -- it seems so hard to make it happen on a regular basis. I don't have children yet, I'm dating a wonderful guy -- I don't have any major obstacles, other than myself! 

My heaviest was this winter at 192. My goal is to be in the 150 pound range. The lowest I've gotten in the last six months was 176.  I couldn't get past that damn 176. But, I am not giving up this time. The key to my weight loss goal is perseverance.  I can do this. 

I'm hoping DietBet will help me get over the hurdle of finally staying on track to a healthier and happier me!