So I'm doing this crazy thing.....


11/19/2015 3:46PM
AWESOME! I love to cycle! I rode a Spin Century on the 11/11/15. That's 100 miles! I'm now at a level where I'm planning on a Century Every Month. HUGE undertaking. I'm also swimming 2 to 3 miles per day. It does take time to work up to those levels, but it can be done!So how was your ride? Did you have fun?

carly n.

I don't know that "fun" is the right word, I finished day 1 but didn't get very far for day 2. I am happy I tried. I don't cycling is for me though, with the weather here it is only an option through part of the year.


I only cycle outside here from Late April through end of September. Otherwise if the weather is GREAT on a weekend I may go outside, but rarely. The off season is spent in the garage on the Trainer, Spin Cycling and watching Netflix.

Games played


Weight lost

+25.2 lbs



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