
Improve my health so I am more able to be active with my wife and kids.

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: A huge salad that fills me up.

Favorite Sinful Food: Anything and lots of it.

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Cycling, Swimming

My Approach to Weight Loss: EF Fasting 36:12, 36:12, 60:12 & Lots of Spinning!

My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program

My Diet Plan: FIN 2 WIN (Fast IF Necessary to WIN)

Fitness/Exercise Apps: I don't use any apps

Fitness Devices: I don't use a device

DietBet Winnings: $12,849.69


Coach Level

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Friends (622)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-1% Since last weigh-in-2.2 lbs
-5.2% 1-Month Change-12.4 lbs
-26.5% Lifetime Change-80.7 lbs

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Sep 26, 2023 · 192.4 lbs

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

I have been able to stay in my positive groove since Sept 15, 2022. ONLY by utilizing several tools to help keep me Accountable. 1. Dietbet Games (FULLY LOADED with 15 current and upcoming games) 2. Facebook Group: Dietbet Accountability Group 3. Accountability Partner with whom I share my weight and progress with daily. We both are like minded and encourage each other in all phases: Physical & Spiritual. Philippians 4:13 4. Life App (Fasting Tracker mobile App) 5. Fasting weekly with a schedule of 36:12, 36:12, 60:12 6. Daily exercise of a minimum of 30 minutes per day. Mostly Spinning. Last night was 1:45:00. I have dropped 120 lbs. and I'm looking forward to dropping the final 13 lbs. within the next 2 months. Yes, I do bounce back up with a Super Feast Meal every now and then, but I get right back on the horse, or bike in my case, and keep pedaling and working towards my GW of 180 lbs. Onward and Downward! Let's Keep Rocking the Ugly and Git 'er Done!

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Jul 17, 2023

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

It takes Time and a lot of effort to produce the results that I desire. I've done it before and I'm doing it again, only this time I REALLY want to stay within 10 lbs. of my Goal Weight. I exercise daily for a minimum of 30 minutes. I also have been doing intense Fasting. My current Fasting schedule for the week is 60:12, 36:12, 36:12. (60 hours Fasting followed by 12 hours eating window, etc.) I also have a wonderful Accountability Partner with whom I check in daily. He too is Exercising and Fasting. Having that Accountability Partner is KEY. Both he and I have benefited greatly in having a like mind and goals and the conversations that arise encourage us to STAY ON TRACK! Once I hit my Goal Weight, I fully intend on continuing Fasting with a schedule yet to be determined. I am very intrigued with Extended Fasting and the benefits of Autophagy. Since my Restart: SW: 313.8 lbs. CW: 212.0 lbs. GW: 185.0 lbs. Dietbet Games Won in a row since 9/15/22: 22 Kickstarts 27 Transformer Rounds

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Apr 26, 2023

Non-scale victory of the week!

Weighing in at 232.4 lbs. Today was another Kickstart Win! It Feels SO good to be back on track with the right attitude about exercise and food. After regaining all the weight I had lost in 2020, I got back on track on Sept 15, 2022 at 313.8 lbs. Since then with the encouragement from a dear friend, I have lost 81.4 lbs. Daily Exercise at 30+ min, proper Hydration at 64+ oz daily and IF 32:16 are HUGE in assisting me down the scale.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

This week has been awesome! April 1 BHS Show in Colby. April 15, BHS shows in Hays. April 23 & 28 In-a-Chord concerts. Life is GOOD and the IF 32:16 and Exercising is going well.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Onward and Downward! My long-term goal is to get below 200 lbs. and enjoy life in Onederland. It will take work to stay there, but the health benefits are worth the effort!

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Dec 07, 2021 · 300.6 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

My Son is exceling in his Music at College! Had a wonderful time going to his Concert Sunday, Dec 5, 2021

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

Not a Thing. Just getting Restarted is a HUGE success. Way Overweight, but nothing to get me down.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

This is Week 1 of another year to lose the weight. I plan to Fast today and Ride my bike for at least 30 min. Eat tomorrow and exercise. Repeat

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Sep 21, 2021 · 285 lbs
Aug 06, 2021 · 274.8 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

Mindset. I must be in the right mindset to be successful with my fitness

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

Sleep. Sleep is always good. Need more.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Get back to daily cycling. Diet will come. Not doing FIN 2 WIN yet. Mostly portion control and less Sonic.

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Aug 04, 2021 · 275.4 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

No weight victories here, Period. Work has been very demanding, so my diet/exercise plan has been thrown out the window. It is time to get back on board and allow myself to be healthier. Albeit, I still have a ton of work to get done.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

Would have, could have, should have, Bleh! Time to refocus and Get er Done!

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

One Day at a Time

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Jun 15, 2021 · 259.6 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

Non-scale Victory? Well, just getting remotivated to get re-started is Victory in itself. Never give up. Pauses are allowed when needed, but NEVER give up!

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

Would of Could of Should of. meh. Going forward, NOW is the time to make a change, albeit again.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Exercise Daily and eat in moderation.

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Feb 21, 2021 · 211.6 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

NONE! It is time for me to refocus. I entered another Transformer today. I have a FINAL weigh out on Mar 7-8 that will be difficult, but I'm still going to give it my best shot.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

Refocused sooner

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Get back to the Daily Grind of focusing on Weight Loss, and WORK!

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Jan 01, 2021 · 206.2 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

Only victory of the last week is I finished out 2020. Work was overwhelming with the close of 2020. I ate way too much junk food and did not exercise due to way too many things to get done at work. Headed back to bed and plan on starting again mid day Jan 1, 2021 to focus on weight loss. I can't believe I'm entering another Transformer. But it is what it is.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

Been better prepared for EOY. Thereby being able to sleep, eat and exercise in a healthy lifestyle. Oh well.. never a better time to restart.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Sleep a minimum of 7 Hours, Exercise 6 to 7 days a week, FIN 2 WIN

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