Well I managed to win Round 2 :-), but it was way too close, I really have to do better in Round 3 as panicking about my weight in the last few days of the round makes things way too stressful!!

All through the past week I have been at least 1lb over what I needed to be, and then I was away for a friend's wedding at the weekend where (in spite of my best efforts) I ended up drinking and eating too much. Since I got back, I have been doing a lot of exercise to get my weight back down. When I finally weighed in today I expected to be half a pound over still, or something annoyingly close, but strangely I was exactly the weight I needed to reach. Must have been some luck there I think!

Everything seemed so easy (relatively speaking!) in the first round, but this one has been really difficult, and I think the next one is going to be equally difficult even though technically I have less weight to lose than the previous ones. I think I am going to have to be really focussed! Hopefully with August having fewer major social events in for me things will be easier - not sure what else I can do differently, as apart from eating out a lot for events (where I have tried to be good but it has been really difficult), I have been really good with the diet and exercise!