Sigh. I really needed to vent in the blog on my IBS.

Per Wikipedia, "Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or spastic colon is a symptom-based diagnosis. It is characterized by chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, and alteration of bowel habits. Diarrhea or constipation may predominate, or they may alternate (classified as IBS-D, IBS-C, or IBS-A, respectively)." In other words, you literally feel 'crappy'. No good reason for it but I guess I drew one of the short straws for it. In my early 20's, along with many other issues, this was one of the many that began to manifest in such a harsh way, a trip to the Mayo clinic was involved (but all I got was a lousy relaxation CD for my butt).

For the most part it's stated under control for me, with the occasional flare, usually at an inopportune time. Of course, vacations, holiday, and DietBet seem to be targets for this. I had just really started adding abs into my routine, so I don't know if that is what triggered it or not, as I've been eating the same things for 3 weeks (in my Pump meal plan). I know anxiety can effect it. Maybe I'm worried about this weight task more than I thought; or the vacation we're taking next week. Regardless, it's making the end of this challenge even more challenging.

For three days now I've had abdominal from this. Sleep has been disrupted. I find it horribly ironic that I'm getting my health together so I'm getting in the right food, enough fiber (fiber boost in the shakeology too) and adding exercise and that, all of which are supposed to help, and my system goes into failure. It figures.

I can only hope things turn around soon so I have a chance to finish where I want for the challenge. Most people don't realize how much your gut does for you, but your sleep and mood (via serotonin) is greatly affected by one's gut, not to mention water and nutrient absorption. No matter what else I have done during the past several weeks, my weigh-in could be tanked by this flare up. It's very disheartening.