About a year ago, on a pub crawl of all things, someone told me about this site, and I took to it instantly. I've won two transformers, and lost a kick starter due to bad math. But I think I've still won over 600 dollars. 

But I'm back, and I've signed up for another couple contests, I'm sure you will see me around and saying things on the boards from time to time. The community aspect really helps. 

I have completely changed my life from where I was a year ago. I've lost a total of 64 pounds, countless inches have melted away from my body. I've gone from pushing a XXXL shirt, to an XL and have lost many many pant sizes. 

About 9 months ago, I joined a gym and I've also gone from someone who went for regular walks to a complete gym rat. 

I have goals that I'm not quiet at yet, and have a long way to go. 

I'm not saying this to gloat or collect accolades. I am saying these things because I want everyone reading to know that it is absolutely possible. It isn't easy, but technologies like this and many others can certainly make it easier. 

If I can do it again (and I will) anyone can, and I'll be here cheering you all on!!


- Jumptank


PS Over the last year, I've felt like crap, been angry at myself, frustrated with the scale, cheated, backslid, you name it, I'm not perfect and I know I will feel all of those things again in the coming year, BUT next year, I will be down another 60 pounds at least. Never forget the big picture.