It's easy to be accountable when you're doing well.  Not so much when you're not proud of what you have to report.  Alas, here goes.

Good news first...

Activity: Elliptical (35 minutes) and yoga class (60 minutes).  Much love to my girl Tanya for suggesting ice packs and my husband for helping me stretch.  The ice, combined with my stretching and Aleve, helped to make today possible.  I was in a lot of pain after Monday's workout.

Bad news...

Nutrition (using this term loosely): B) Egg white spinach omelet with grape tomatoes; L) BLT with a sinful amount of bacon; D) Korean-style BBQ short rib with brown rice, broccolini and mushrooms; S) Moutain Dew (32 oz).  Water - 32 oz (in comparison to Mon and Tue, I drank 80+ oz of water).  With WW, I used 9 of my extra points. 

I can offer a host of reasons/excuses why I went off the rails - some legitimate, others not so much.  Bottomline, I need to recommit.  Tomorrow is a new day!