Well, not too shabby.  I exercised twice at Precision Athletics (I'm wicked out of shape).  Stuck o my diet plan from Kinsfather Nutrition.  I didn't cheat, but there were 2 instances where I would have shot someone in the face for a bowl of ice cream.  Although there were cravings, I didn't cave and stuck to the plan.

I also ate more vegatables than I've eaten all year.  haha.  Revisited Napa cabbage and love it.  Also, found out the the stalks and leafs of beets are actually pretty tasty!  I snacked in between meals (according to plan of course) and I noticed that when I don't have peanut butter on celery, the plain celery makes my tongue feel a little numb.  I don't know if that is normal... it could be that my body is in shock and doesn't understand the concept of raw veggies and is simply trippin'.  hahahaaa

Favorite meal of the week:  Orange Roughy filet with a spinach, beet leafs, mushrooms, and golden bell peppers. 

Health and happiness to me and success in week one was awesome.