So this morning, I go about my normal routine.  Well, somewhat.  I had been awoken by my daughter calling at 2am because my office door at work decided to lock on it's own and her keys and such were stuck in here.  She finally managed to get in and I went back to bed for another 2 hours.  

Then, got up, did my 2 mile Leslie Sansone DVD, made lunch for me, made hubby's coffee and got his lunch out for him, then went and took my shower, eagerly awaiting my morning weigh in afterwards.

Got out of the shower, dried off, bebopped across the hall to the workout room, got on the scale and it was....the same.  The same as yesterday.  Hmmmm.  This doesn't happen often.  Usually, I have a slight increase/decrease, but never the same.

But I was ok with that.  I'm like...."That's cool.  No biggie.  It'll be different tomorrow."

What I didn't realize was that it's already different.


Well, as I put my jeans on, I realized "Holy cow my thighs are swollen!".  What did I do different?!?

Oh, yes....the DVD (well, it's actually video stream on my iPad....we havn't used DVDs in forever) that I did yesterday, was different.  Yes, it was still Leslie Sansone.  But, this one had 30 minutes of walking, then 30 minutes of strength/toning.  With lots of squats.  LOTS.OF.SQUATS.  With weights.

Soooo...I thought that sitting in the hot tub last night would quell the soreness/swelling.  Hence, no change in the scale.  I even took a break from the treadmill last night.  I had over 13,000 steps for the day, so wasn't overly concerned about not doing the treadmill.  I did my morning workout, then my lunch walk in the warehouse of our building (60 laps is 3 miles :) ).

But no worries - eventually it will be different again.

Even if it's the same, I'm still working on a different me :)