Life changes in a blink of an eye.

Els momma

11/19/2015 8:32PM
I'm sorry for your family members current hospitalization. I know exactly where you're coming from. My father suffers with lung complications. It's a struggle for him to do the simplest task, as standing for a couple minutes. It's very difficult to see and it affects me tremendously. That is one reason I have made a stand to be as healthy as I can be. For me and my loved ones. Not all illness can be prevented but I'm going to try my very best to stay healthy and be around as long as possible. Prayers to your family member a fast recovery. Sounds like you, yourself, is headed toward the right path. It's a tough road and be determined to see it through.

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Right not all health issues are preventable . "Healthy" people get sick and end up in the hospital too. Heaven forbid an accident or something like that can also happen. But I want to live a long life being able to be an active member of my family and not a burden or limitation. I want to see my great grand babies!

Els momma

Right on!

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