Step One (aka: my way too long sob story, and why i'm doing this)

Aweigh I Go

12/02/2015 4:43PM
I was diagnosed with severe social anxiety disorder 10 years ago so I can completely relate to everything you shared. I've found that there does seem to be a correlation between the extent of my obesity and the intensity of my anxiety. When I take care of myself consistently and drop even just 10 lbs, I feel a tiny bit less self-conscious leaving the house. It's not just a vanity thing, I think it's the structure...the routine of regular exercise, clean eating and getting good sleep that makes me feel mentally stronger, a little braver.I know that getting to a healthy weight isn't the whole thing for me...If I ever reach 120 lbs I'll likely still be a high-strung introvert who struggles to carry on a simple conversation, but I believe my life will be bigger and more fulfilling than it is today. I'm betting we both can win, too.

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