It's caught up to me quick... I'm getting married in 5 months!!

But let me start at the beginning.. I can remember the first time I felt I was fat. I was in my fifth grade class looking at all the other girls wondering why I wasn't the same size. From that moment on, I have struggled with my weight.  I don't think I have ever struggled with anything more than I have with my weight. In high school I started dieting, I feel like I have tried everything. 

  • Atkins
  • weight watchers
  • south beach
  • beachbody/ shakeology
  • not eating 
  • isagenix
  • whole30

You name it and I have probably tried it at one point in time. All of these diets have been unsuccessful. Yeah I have lost maybe ten pounds or so and that's it to just fail time and time again. You could say the struggle has been real. When all these failed I started looking into if maybe I had a thyroid problem... Nope perfectly great thyroid the doctors said. At this point I was so depressed... Nothing was working and I was so unhappy in my body. My mother suggested maybe it was time to look into gastric bypass surgery. I was so excited for the possibility that this surgery could hold for me! I started researching and talking to other women my age who had had the surgery. I was even going to local seminars at the hospital to learn more. However, the insurance I had through my parents said that I didn't weigh enough for the surgery especially cause I didn't have any co-morbidities. That was hard to hear because my BMI states I'm in the obese category and I don't know why an insurance would deny you if you fall into that category. 

Well that was my last straw. I told myself all this  had to stop, I was making myself so unhappy. So I began looking into body positive role models and body positive blogs. Which actually helped me gain so much more confidence in myself as a curvy women. Lately I have been appreciating my body so much more than I use to.

But.... I still am not as happy as I know I could be weight wise. I love being curvy but I would rather be a healthier curvy lady. Along with that I'm getting MARRIED in 5 months!! It snuck up so quick and I just want to do whatever I can to get in better shape for my wedding and of course my honeymoon! Who doesn't want to rock a hot swim suit in Hawaii with the man of their dreams?? 


So here I am on dietbet looking for some motivation and friends who will help keep me on track and of course I will help in return! 

I can't wait to get my first game going, win some bets and shed this weight! 

