Hello Dietbet friends,

I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to write on these blogs, but I feel like the more connected I am to this site, the more I'll be motivated to challenge myself to lose weight, so here I am typing away :)

I'm actually feeling really excited to take on a solid challenge. 2015 ended up on a really stagnant note, and putting effort into something to better myself hasn't been a top priority for quite some time now.

When I look back at the last few months, I see someone who let anxiety, fear, laziness and depression get the best of her. Many life changes happened at once, and my coping skills have never been the best, so major negative mental and physical shifts occurred slowly, but obviously. The further down this rabbit hole I went, the more it seemed like I was incapable of positive change. I began to feel like this sad, fearful, tired person was WHO I WAS. I felt unattractive, dull, bland - I felt like wallpaper to everyone else's vibrant daily lives.

The reason I write 'felt' instead of 'feel', is because I'm beginning to recognize the power of thought to encourage real change, and I want to begin to shift toward proactive thinking. I recognize that all my weight problems boil down to THOUGHT - I thought, therefore I was; and so on.

I'm adopting the mantra of 'thinking till I am' this year: thinking strong, thinking positive, thinking powerful, thinking smart. I want to think myself into a state of being that is who I feel I can be - who we all can be - a strong, powerful person who lives a life she loves.

I am excited to have this forum, and everyone on this site, as an ally in this shift of being. It's so cool that everyone, EVERYONE on this site is trying to better themselves. EVERYONE on here is not accepting mediocrity. EVERYONE on here knows that they, too, can have a better life through changing THEMSELVES. That's really, really cool.

I look forward to recording thoughts on here as time progresses, once the challenge starts. And I look forward to reading about other people's successes, too! We can all do this!

Thanks everyone, and a happy week to you all <3