Going to give it another try. I am back up to my highest weight and my mobility is extremely limited.  This to me is that warning bell that says time to do something.  Time to stop eating all that junk food.  I do not want to be limited in life because of my weight.  I don't mind being the largest person in a room.  Do I like it.. no but it is what it is... but when I can barely walk, my tummy is hanging low and getting into a normal chair is almost impossible and I have to check the weight limits on all items before I can purchase them.  

I swore I would never again get back up to my highest weight but here I am hovering around 340 pounds again.  This is no longer something I need to do.... it is something I have to do!  Losing weight has been a life long struggle for me.  Few successes and many failures but I am not a quitter. I have done everything to lose weight in my lifetime.  I believe success for myself is to simply eat better, eat less and move more.  No more gimicks!!  I need a support group of like minded people and lots of prayers.  One day at a time... one foot in front of the other... don't quit!