Well, today is the last day of 2015 and I must say it was a pretty good year for me.  Another year older, wiser, and yes thinner- yay!  The biggest lessons I learned in 2015: 

1.  Losing weight is HARD- there are no magical pills, drinks, or diets, just hard work and staying committed to the process.

2.  But it's so worth it!   I have gained so much strength and self confidence on this journey.

3.  Celebrate the big and little things but don't get sidetracked-- I lost 40 pounds (which on my 5'0" frame is a HUGE amount of weight) and am in the "single digits" of clothes now... My shirts are a "S" or "M" instead of "Xl".... 

4.  Weight loss is a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix.  I let myself go over the holidays and GAINED back some weight- ugh.  So I'm getting back on track!

I've never really been one to make resolutions, but this year I'm going to give it a go since I do have several goals for myself.

1.  To make it to my goal weight-- I probably have 30 pounds or so to go.

2.  To complete my first half marathon-- a good friend of mine (who is a trainer and fitness coach-ha!!) is doing it with me.  We are already registered so no backing out now!

3.  To make my life more organized- so that tasks such as meal planning and cooking, grocery shopping, housekeeping, etc go more smoothly.  

Are you making resolutions?  What are they?