Last year, around this time, I stepped on the scale at the doctor's office & saw that I weighed well over 200 pounds. I broke down in tears, right there in the clinic, and it was the lowest point of my whole life. I couldn't believe I'd let myself go so much. I was embarassed, ashamed & hated myself. 

Over the last year, I managed to lose some weight, but I'm still about 50 lbs from my goal. Stepping on the scale today & weighing in for the game wasn't much more enjoyable than it was a year ago in that doctor's office.

I have decided that this is going to be the year that I take control and get healthy again. 

In addition to joining this DietBet, I have also signed up for "bootcamp" in my town. Today I've been working on ridding the house of all the junk food & I'm planning my healthy meals for the next week! 

I'm going to try to focus on eating green veggies & lean protein for the first week or so. Then, I plan to slowly add in some colored veggies, fruits & other carbs. I will only drink water for the next 4 wks, with the exception of one cup of coffee every morning (because seriously... I can only sacrifice so much). 

I have a plan, and I'm going to try to stick to it. I'll be updating this blog to keep me accountable.