Another day of imperfection. Or maybe Heidi would say, "perfect imperfection". The first problem was my schedule was way off. I barely slept Saturday night, and I really needed to catch up. I woke up the first time at 5am, and it just felt too early to eat breakfast and get started. I did some reading, playing on the PC, and started feeling sleepy at 7:30. I fell back asleep and didn't wake up until 1pm. I ate breakfast pretty quickly after that but there was no way to get all 5 meals in so I only had four.

I've made the decision to not exercise this week. I understand that exercise is the key to losing the weight. I just want to get the hang of cooking all this food. I would rather get the food right for one week and add exercise in. I will start the exercise portion of my journey next Monday.


Meal 1: "Breakfast" (1400)
Cinnamon French Toast (295 kcal; 6g fat; 39g carb; 21g protein)

Meal 2: High-Carb Meal (1700)
Three-Bean Salad with Chicken and Romaine Lettuce (It was supposed to be kale, but it was sold out. Will use nutrition info from original recipe for simplicity.) (286 kcal; 4g fat; 20g carb; 27g protein)

Meal 3: High-Carb Meal (2000)
Nutrilett Chocolate Banana Shake (112 kcal; 2,5g fat; 14g carb; 12g protein)

Meal 4: Low-Carb Meal (2300)
Creamy Cauliflower Soup (280 kcal; 11g fat; 16g carb; 33g protein)


kcal: 973
fat: 23,5g
carb: 89g
protein: 93g


Water: 1 liter (This is huge for me.)
1 cup of black (no sugar) coffee at 1800


  • SMART goal: I will lose 4,5kg by January 31.
  • Why am I losing weight?
    (Love) I want to have more energy and move around without pain.
  • Power Promise: I will makes choices that put my health and well-being first.