I joined this dietbet to try and get my diet back on track. This is the point I always seem to fail - just above 100kg and the scale just mocks me. I haven't weighed myself since the dietbet started because I know I haven't done anything to deserve weight loss, so I don't expect any.

Been a really rough week. My daughter is off school this week and my schedule is just out of whack. I sleep during the day and sit up all night. Also my neck is out. Third time in as many weeks and the pain is very extreme. I'm on Tramadol which barely brings it down a notch and just makes me feel less like doing anything physical.

Tomorrow I'll ride and try and decide which level dressage test I should do for the upcoming competition. I want to ride the one I originally signed up for, but I haven't gotten the practice in I thought I would so I'm thinking about going one step easier.

I've got to get my head out of what I'm "going to do" and in to what I'm actually doing. I feel like I'm always making plans on how well I'll eat/exercise in the upcoming days and then get disappointed when I don't follow through. More than once I've had a hard time sleeping because I'm thinking about how perfect and active the next day will be. Then, of course, I wake up sleep deprived and accomplish less than half of what I really should have been able to do.

So, off to grab a large water bottle so at the very least I will drink a bit more and then see if I can get some sleep. I will crack this...