So I don't know if doing a dietbet during the holidays was a good thing or a bad thing(good of course for my body) but I made it through by the skinny skin skin of my teeth. Crap that was hard. I've got a few foods dancing through my head right now. A slice of Costco pizza for one and a small rib eye steak. Boy does success feel good when you struggle. But there are a few other things on my mind. Joining multiple games is going to HAS saved me from myself for a while. :-) I have another weigh-in in less than a week, so not too much indulging especially since it's back to work--10 hour days on my toosh. Also this week is the first time in a long time where I felt I could run, well jog comfortably and it felt pretty good. Didn't run for a long time but I ran. Time to start doing 5K's again. Maybe back to my Saturday morning hikes before it gets too hot(not that the heat ever stopped me before). 

I started doing dietbets a few years ago and I'm almost back to where I was then. I'm almost halfway to my goal weight,which may change depending on how I look as a get closer. So two things to focus on. Staying on track/focused, and figuring out what the heck to do when I get there. 

2016 Goals

Reach my goal weight which is 145'ish for 150 and re-evaluate my weight when i get there.

Find an exercise regimen that I will stick to- I hate regimented exercise, indoor exercise but right now it is all I have.

Find a way to eat what I want--in general and not end up back here--slowly or otherwise.(I do so miss the skin on chicken--lol- and steaks with a wee bit of fat on them. 


till then piiiiiizzzzzzaaaa(in my zombie voice) hehehehehe